The series centers on Alex, a bright young woman who's booted from the frat-boy tech scene when she refuses the predatory advances of the CEO. She’s always dreamed of building a startup, but has always taken the safe route. When Alex discovers a co-working space filled with founders and entrepreneurs chasing their ambitions, she finally decides to do her own startup, and make her own rules.
A wistful woman waits all year for Valentine's Day, only to have it explode in her face.
Music Video Parody of "I Could Have Danced All Night," from My Fair Lady. Finalist in the 2017 Rachel Bloom Comedy Challenge.
In the season finale of Cake Walk, Kim and Greg must survive the greatest challenge to their relationship yet -- the engagement photos.
Now streaming on WhoHaha, the women-in-comedy site created by Elizabeth Banks.
An ambitious, but naive undergraduate dreams of pursuing her PhD. However, her advisor's eyes are locked on achieving glory and immortality on her own terms. Meanwhile, the work of a famous pop psychologist is cast into scrutiny, causing aftershocks which force the researchers to challenge their own quests for fame and recognition in the field. In a dark look into the ivory tower of academia, this one-act play looks behind the curtain at the people who shape our understanding of psychology.
A staged reading of Power Pose was held on March 16th, 2018 at Berkeley Rep.
Does size really matter?
Now streaming on WhoHaha, the women-in-comedy site created by Elizabeth Banks.
A young woman en route to her family's Passover Seder has a wake-up call of biblical proportions; she encounters the modern-day Ten Plagues, but worst of all, she must face her family.
Audience Award Winner at the Washington Jewish Film Festival
Audience Award Runner-Up at the Women in Comedy Festival
When an unexpected guest crashes the bachelorette party, the girls day becomes a mess.
Now streaming on WhoHaha, the women-in-comedy site created by Elizabeth Banks.